Dental treatments

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The perfect way to replace missing teeth.

The problem

A missing tooth or teeth.
Potential bite and jaw joint problems from teeth shifting to fill the space.
The notorious "sunken face" look associated with missing teeth.
Desire to improve your chewing ability.
Desire for a more permanent solution than simple dentures.

The solution

A bridge is a single appliance that is generally attached to two teeth on each side of the space where a tooth is missing. An artificial tooth attached in the middle of the bridge fills in the gap where the missing tooth used to be. The teeth on either side of the gap are prepared for crowns (see crowns) and a highly accurate impression or mold is made of the prepared area. This mold is used to create a gold or porcelain (tooth colored) bridge in a special laboratory. The bridge is then cemented onto the prepared surface of the teeth, effectively creating the appearance of a brand new tooth.

In some instances, a so called resin-bonded bridge can be used. In this case, the two teeth on each side of the gap are not prepared for crowns. Instead, the bridge consists of a false tooth with metal brackets on the back of each side of the gap. The brackets are attached to the backs of the real teeth on each side.


Unlike ordinary dentures, a fixed bridge is never removed. It is stable in the mouth and works very similar to natural teeth. By filling the gap and stopping the movement of other teeth, a fixed bridge is a vise investment, providing better chewing ability, heading off jaw joint problems and saving money that might otherwise be spent on future dental treatment.


Fixed bridges are excellent restorations although they also have few disadvantages. They are highly durable, but they will eventually need to be re-cemented or replaced due to normal wear.

More information about bridges

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For the Visitors from Ireland: Dental Bridges